
Jacksonville Alimony Lawyer 

Jacksonville Alimony Lawyer Alimony is the term used to describe the financial support given to an ex-spouse to help them continue the standard of living they are accustomed to after a divorce. In Florida, there are a few different types of alimony. They all vary based on the amount awarded and how long they last. 

The duration and amount of alimony in Florida are determined based on the situation. If you believe you should be awarded alimony in the state, or if you are trying to keep from having to pay alimony, it’s best to contact Griffin Family Law for assistance. 

Having an experienced Jacksonville divorce lawyer on your side can make a huge difference regarding if and how much alimony will be awarded. 

While no one wants to have to pay for legal services, having an attorney will likely help you save a lot of money over time. 

The idea of alimony is to help alleviate the financial disparity between the couple. When trying to determine the amount of alimony that needs to be awarded, the family law court in Florida will look at the ability a spouse has to pay versus the other spouse’s need for this payment. If a judge awards permanent alimony in a case, then the payment should be enough to support the receiving spouse’s standard of living. 

There are a few factors that are going to be considered when a judge tries to determine if alimony should be awarded in a Florida divorce. If alimony is given, then the court will have to determine how long it is needed to bridge the gap that is created. No matter the situation, alimony shouldn’t leave the person paying it with less income than what the recipient receives. 

Sometimes, permanent alimony in Florida is considered a litigious and contentious part of divorce. That’s because what is decided will have a huge impact on both party’s financial situation. It’s a good idea to contact Griffin Family law to schedule a consultation to determine what your rights are. I can look at your situation to determine what is fair for the legal situation. 

SCHEDULE A FREE CONSULTATION – Call (904) 372-9708 or fill out the form to schedule your free initial consultation to learn more about how we can help and to discuss your options with an experienced lawyer.

Different Types of Alimony Awarded in the State of Florida 

Based on Florida divorce law, there are five different types of alimony that the judge may order. The judge for your case can award any combination of the different types of alimony payments. They may also be made periodically or be submitted in a single, lump sum. The different types of awarding alimony are dependent on the duration of the payments. 

The different types include:

  • Temporary alimony: This is awarded while the divorce is going on and ends when a final judgment has been entered. 
  • Bridge the gap alimony: This type of alimony considers what each party will need to make a transition to being single. With this type of alimony, you have something transitional, and it considers all bills and any other foreseeable expenses of starting your life again without your spouse. 
  • Rehabilitative alimony: This type of alimony has goals that are like bridge the gap alimony. With this, it considers the amount of time a spouse may require to improve their education and gain employment. 
  • Durational alimony: This alimony is only awarded in short- or moderate-term marriages. It is alimony that is set for a predetermined amount of time that is not allowed to extend beyond the total length of the marriage. An example would be if a couple was married for three years. In this case, durational alimony would not last for more than three years. 
  • Permanent alimony: Usually, permanent alimony will only be awarded for moderate or long-term marriages. Usually, it will continue until one of the parties dies. 

Alimony in Florida without Having to File for a Divorce

Based on Florida Statute 61.09, the spouse ordered to pay alimony may be ordered to pay it without filing for divorce. Since Florida does not recognize legal separation, there are cases where alimony may be required if a couple separates. If you believe you may be entitled to this, it’s best to speak to a family law attorney. 

Let Griffin Family Law Help with Your Needs for Alimony

When it comes to receiving alimony during or after a divorce in Florida, there are multiple factors that must be considered. Due to how complex the situation must be, having help from Griffin Family Law can be beneficial. 

I take pride in providing my clients with the best possible representation for their case and situation. While these cases can be difficult and emotional, you can count on me to use all the resources I have access to, to provide you with the representation you deserve. 

SCHEDULE A FREE CONSULTATION – Call (904) 372-9708 or fill out the form to schedule your free initial consultation to learn more about how we can help and to discuss your options with an experienced lawyer.

We Can Help

SCHEDULE A FREE CONSULTATION – Call (904) 372-9708 or fill out the form to schedule your free initial consultation to learn more about how we can help and to discuss your options with an experienced lawyer.

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